office of emergency management
Tule River Indian Tribe of CaliforniaStrive to maintain the health, safety, and welfare of the Tribal Membership and employees in the event of a natural disaster, human-made incident, or national emergency; including the threat or occurrence of a terrorist attack.
Mission Statement
To provide effective and collaborative emergency operations within the reservation using the existing resources to the maximum extent possible.
The Office of Emergency Management reports to the necessary line of succession as the incident or natural disaster dictates. It is composed of three components:
- Preparedness and Response
- Emergency Operations (Emergency Operations Center)
- Continuity Programs

Emergency Management Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery
The Tule River Tribe recognizes the need to prepare for unexpected events such as natural or human-caused disasters, as well as the need to return the tribe as quickly as possible to its normal operations should such events occur. This policy delineates the responsibilities to respond to emergencies at Tule River Indian Reservation to ensure that critical functions are maintained or restored in a timely manner. All tribal employees and community members should familiarize themselves with their department or school business operations, hazard mitigation, and emergency operations plan, as well as the tribe’s Emergency Action Plan.
The Tule River Tribe’s Office of Emergency Management (

Emergency Response
The tribes primary service and administrative departments are expected to maintain a constant state of readiness for any likely emergency situation, including both natural and human-caused disasters, following the national standard all-hazards approach; those departments are also expected to maintain sufficient university emergency services capabilities to enable effective response to any situation, ensuring the safety and well-being of tribal students, faculty, staff, and visitors as the highest priority. Assisted by tribal staff, departments must maintain tribal-wide response plans, conduct emergency response training, and participate in periodic campus-wide emergency exercises. Central emergency operations centers will be maintained on the reservation to coordinate emergency response. Emergency response organization will be maintained in compliance with the National Incident Command System (ICS) standard.
The appropriate line of succession will activate Tule River Tribe’s emergency response plans when needed, with the support of tribal emergency service departments. In a major emergency, only the Chairperson or a designated representative may temporarily close offices or cancel classes. In order to maintain continuity of academic programs, classes will be
Roles and Responsibilities
TERC Management Team
Chaired or Directed by the Director of Tule River Office of Emergency Management, Administration, and this commission and includes representatives from all major departments of the tribe. It provides general oversight of the emergency management issues, business continuity, and disaster recovery within its tribal community.
Business Continuity and Tribal Leadership
This elected group of Tribal Council members, directors, managers, and administrators provide oversight and support for the ongoing business continuity and disaster recovery planning program.
Office of Emergency Management Publications
Please contact.
Responsible Office
Tule River Office of Emergency Management
Director: Christina Dabney-Keel
P: (559) 853-6145
F: (559) 781-4610
Tule River Indian
Tribe of California
340 N Reservation Rd
Porterville, CA 93257.
Phone: (559) 781-4271
Fax Number: (559) 781-4610
© 2024 Tule River Tribe..
Tule River Indian
Tribe of California
340 N Reservation Rd
Porterville, CA 93257.
Phone: (559) 781-4271
Fax Number: (559) 781-4610
© 2024 Tule River Tribe..
Tule River Indian
Tribe of California
340 N Reservation Rd
Porterville, CA 93257.
Phone: (559) 781-4271
Fax Number: (559) 781-4610
© 2024 Tule River Tribe..
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